

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Colour Blindness

As I stated in the previous task I am interested in what effects my game design would have on colour-blind users as 8.5% of people are affected by it according to color-blindness.com. I have converted the start screen into the 3 different colour-blind types:

Tritanopia - inability to discern blue and yellow

Deutranopia - inability to distinguish greens or purples

Protanopia - inability to see red or distinguish blues

For comparisons sake here is the original image:

As you can see there are some differences in image quality due to the different types of colour-blindness. The most severe of which is Tritanopia as the different shades of blue are all roughly the same and the greens have gone entirely. This would be an issue for players as there is quite a lot of blues and greens in the game due to the natural landscapes. Unfortunately there is not much that can be done in this case other than avoid using green and blue for fonts in the game and possibly replace them with red and dark yellow.

As for the other two types the differences are much more subtle and almost identical. The main issues are that red cannot be seen and different blues cannot be distinguished by Protanopia. In order to counter this I will have to use more yellows and greens for environments and text.

 Deutranopia on the other hand cannot distinguish different greens or purple/blue. I will have to keep in mind that most greens will not differ as is the case with blues and purples and I will try to use colours such as yellows and reds more often.

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